The Flow Cytometry Facility of the RadBioPhys Lab is equipped with a Thermo Fisher Attune NxT Acoustic Flow Cytometer (AFC).
Technical characteristics of our Attune NxT AFC are:
- Blue laser (488nm, 50mW) with FSC, SSC and 4 channels (530/30nm, 574/26nm, 695/40nm, 780/60nm);
- Violet laser (405nm, 50mW) with 4 channels (440/50nm, 512/25nm, 603/48nm, 710/50nm).
- Sample Rate: 12.5 – 1000µl/min; Data acquisition up to 35000 events/second
- Acquisition and analysis through Attune NxT software 2.6.
RadBioPhys Lab routinely performs cellular analysis (DNA content, Cell death assay, Proliferation Assay) and immunophenotype assays (from 2 to 8 colors analysis).
For more information and specific collaboration requests: or +39 0382 987644