The RadBioPhys Lab is equipped with a sterile room for cell culturing and with a non-sterile room for samples processing. The biological techniques routinely adopted in the RadBioPhys Lab range from protein analysis (western blotting, ELISA assay, semi-quantitative and quantitative cytokines determination, spectrophotometry) to imaging (immunofluorescence, light microscopy).
Non-Sterile Room Equipment
- Immunofluorescence microscope – Olympus BX51
- Multiplate reader – GDV DV990/BV6
- Spectrophotometer – VWR UV-3100PC
- pHmeter – Crison Basic20
- Analytical balance – Sartorius Mechatronics ED224S
- Western Blotting equipment (BioRad Trans-blot Turbo; BioRad GelDoc EZ Imager)
- Chemical Hood – LifeAire GS800
- Flow Cytometer – Thermo Fisher Attune NxT
Sterile Room Equipment:
- Laminar Flow Hood – Aquaria BioActiva 120 Plus
- Cell culture Incubator – Heal Force HF 240
- Inverted microscope – Olympus IX51
- Cooled Centrifuge – Thermo Scientific CL31R
- Waterbath – Memmert WNB series