- VISAIR – VIsual System Activation by Ionizing Radiation – funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), coordinated by Universtà di Roma Tor Vergata (2018 – ongoing) – Local responsible for UniPv: Dr. G. Baiocco.
- PERSEO/ASI – PErsonal Radiation Shielding for intErplanary mission, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), coordinated by UniPv (2016 – 2018) – Principal Investigators: Dr. G. Baiocco, Prof. A. Ottolenghi.
- PERSEO/ESA – PErsonal Radiation Shielding for intErplanary mission (after the 2014 Ariadna Call For Ideas – Innovative Radiation Shielding Approaches), funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), coordinated by UniPv (2014 – 2015) – Contractor’s Representatives: Dr. G. Baiocco, Prof. A. Ottolenghi.
- COUNT- Countermeasures For The Exposure To Galactic Cosmic Rays In Deep Space (in the framework of the project MoMa – From molecules to man: Space research applied to the improvement of the quality of life in aged population), funded by ASI , coordinated by UniPv from 2008 (2006 – 2010) – Principal Investigator and National Coordinator: Prof. A. Ottolenghi.
- Influence of the shielding in the space radiation biological effectiveness, funded by ASI, coordinated by UniPv (2000-2004) – Scientific Manager of Milan Unit: Prof. A. Ottolenghi.